I woke up at 3:30 am again, so I decided to BLOG.
Most of the time if someone asks me a question about God and Why he would do something, I mull it over for a while, and have to come to the conclusion that I really don't know.... Like, can God make a rock so heavy that even he can't lift it? I don't know. When someone asks that question, I know that they don't really care what the answer is, they are just trying to screw with the mind of the person they are asking. There are three events in my life that I can say that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt how God felt about something.
Event 1.
A couple of years ago, the day before I was to start teaching, my wife and I lost a baby. We weren't far along, and didn't know if it was a boy or girl. We cried. boy, did we cry. I asked God why. I wondered if God could understand and feel what I was going through. Then When I was in church, my mind was wandering from the sermon (Sorry Gary), and then it hit me. God knows exactly how it felt to lose a child. He lost his on the cross. When Jesus died on that cross, God was separated from his child.
Event 2.
A few weeks after Em'ly and I lost our child, we get a phone call a little after 2:00 am on a Tuesday morning. (There are no good phone calls after midnight.) My brother called and told me that my Dad had passed away. I didn't cry. . . I wept, I wailed, I sobbed, but I didn't cry. My wife wept with me, we held each other tight for quite a while, then went to sleep. I actually taught later that day, because I wasn't leaving for Tulsa until Wednesday. A couple weeks later, I was in church, and again I had a difficult time focusing on the sermon (sorry again Gary). Then it hit me. God knows what it was like to lose a Dad. Because Jesus, who is part of the Trinity, had always been with God. Since the beginning, Jesus was with God. Then when He died on the cross, He was separated from God the Father. In essence losing the relationship with his Dad that he had had since the world began.
Event 3.
A couple days ago some friends of ours went to Russia to pick up the child they are adopting. while reading the story, I could tell how excited they are to be adopting this boy. Their excitement just oozes out of their pores. The story of the day they were in court is especially exciting. When the judge pronounced that the adoption was final, you could tell that people all over the U.S. were cheering for our friends. You could tell how much they loved this child. This child that wasn't theirs, but now is. I got to thinking. . . (Not in church this time). How much more does God love us than we can love our children. After all, we are just human. And how much more excited is God when one of his children come back to him, and wants to be called his.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I understand God about a two. While here on Earth, I think the best we can maybe get up to is 3 or 4, and I don't think too many people get that high, so I'm pretty happy with my two.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
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